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Het principe van anti-fog film


PET-anticondensfilm is een functionele film met anticondensfunctie, die achtereenvolgens is samengesteld uit anticondenscoating, PET-laag, kleeflaag en loslaatfilm.
Het hoofdbestanddeel van de anticondenscoating is een polymeermateriaal met een hydrofiele groep of een hydrofobe groep. Als functionele coating is de coating verdeeld in een warmteuithardende anticondenscoating en UV (ultraviolet) fotouithardende anticondenscoating vanwege de verschillende uithardingsmethoden en vanwege het verschillende anticondensmechanisme is het hydrofiel. verschil tussen anti-mist coatings en hydrofobe anti-mist coatings.
The hydrophilic anti-fog coating makes the surface of the object hydrophilic, and then uses the hydrophilic group factor in the anti-fog coating to affinity absorb water, reduce the surface tension of water, and reduce the contact angle between water molecules and the surface of the object , so that the water vapor will wet, diffuse or adsorb on the surface of the object before it gathers into tiny water droplets on the surface of the object, forming an ultra-thin transparent water film, and will no longer scatter the incident light, and will not interfere People's line of sight, so as to achieve the purpose of anti-fog.

The hydrophobic anti-fog coating makes the surface of the object hydrophobic, and then uses the hydrophobic group factor in the anti-fog coating to repel the water molecules to increase the contact angle between the water molecules and the surface of the object, so that the water vapor gradually condenses on the surface of the object into a Water droplets with a large contact angle are difficult to stay on the surface of the object, and will continue to automatically slide down (that is, produce the "lotus effect"), so as to achieve the purpose of anti-fog or waterproof. Since the hydrophobic anti-fog coating uses the "lotus effect" to achieve anti-fog, as the water droplets continue to slide down, some irregular water marks will be left on the surface of the object, and these water marks will have some scattering effect on the incident light , more or less reduce the light transmittance of the object, affect people's sight, and the anti-fog effect will become worse, which has limitations.

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